Wasco is, zo wordt beweerd, het best bewaarde geheim van de Nederlandse strip. Onlangs nog in het Graphic Design Museum te zien in het kader van de Kunst Strip Beurs was Wasco te bewonderen met een selectie tekeningen, animaties en schetsen te aanschouwen die samen een goede impressie gaven van zijn werk. Wellicht nog leuker hij was live aan the werk te zien.
Zijn oeuvre bestaat uit korte traditionele stripverhalen maar hij zoekt ook constant de grenzen van het striptekenen op wat resulteert in abstract werk. Zijn oeuvre is omvangrijk, want hij dwingt zichzelf elke dag te tekenen.Henk van der Spoel (1957), who uses the pseudonym Wasco, is a representative of the Pseudo-Naïve comic school. He studied at the AKI in Enschede and the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam. Since the late 1980s, he self-publishes and prints his own magazines and books. His ‘Wasco’s Weekblad’ was launched in 1989, and in this “weekly” he printed the first episodes of his ‘Apenootjes’ strip.He self-publishes new books on a regular base through his mini-publishing firm Microbe, including ‘Apenootjes’, ‘Wasco’s Comics and Stories’ and the sketchbook ‘De Wasco Lijn’. His main characters are the dog ‘Phiwi’ and its boss ‘Tuitel’. Other creations are ‘Zomer’ and ‘De Vier Verdedigers’. He has contributed to the alternative comics magazine Zone 5300 since its first issue, and his illustrations have also appeared in Vrij Nederland, MUG magazine and VPRO-Gids.
As Wanda Scott, he has published erotic work like ‘Dotty Wervelwind’, the ‘Fantoma’ series, ‘Wanda’s X-Rated Drawings’ and ‘Jungle Meisje en de Geheime Grot’. Discovered by Joost Swarte, Wasco can be called an “artist’s artist”. He has a large fanbase among Dutch comic artist, especially for his uncompromising, personal and abstract style. (bron; Lambiek)
Wasco’s blog
Recent interview met Wasco op Mike’s Webisodes
13.00 > 14.30 u