Foreign affairs: Cutting-edge design and a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. 3 Designers offer a unique insight into our culture as we look at it through their eyes. To counter their views we added a Dutch national, active in Africa and the Middle East, to the mix. Is it a small design world after all?
Joost Alferink is well known for his product design and works from Amsterdam, Cape town, Doha to Kuwait city. He calls himself a free roaming design entrepeneur and takes dutch design beyond our borders.
Melody Deldjou Fard arrived in the Netherlands from Iran at age 15. After her graduation she directly became a rising star with her project ‘BodyMerging’.
She mixes her poetic Persian background with the analytic sober Dutch mentality into multidisciplinair art and design.
Andrew Tang was born in Hong Kong and raised in Honolulu and traded the States for his love of dutch architecture. He is a member of Team CS in completing the public spaces as well as the architectural design for the new Central Station in Rotterdam. Last year, his design for the Grabbit case for iPad was sold worldwide.
Cyprian Koscielniak grew up as a young designer in Poland in high admiration of Polish poster art. He has been working for the NRC and NRC-NEXT for almost 25 years. His work includes a huge amount of illustrations, analog and digital, on all possible topics, but generally concerning social, political and economic matters. Newspaper illustrations became part of his professional DNA.
ENTREE: € 5 – studenten en BNO leden € 3
START: 20.30 u